
3 mins

Hardwood vs. Laminate flooring cost

Reduce Cost While Keeping Up Appearances

Are you convinced that a brand new hardwood floor is just what your home needs?  Do you love everything about it except the cost? Have you...

2 mins

Caring for your floors

You have spent the money and made a sound investment in hardwood floors. Your wise choice brings beauty and completes the aesthetic of the room. However, you need to ensure that your floors will maintain that elegance and assure the possibility of...

3 mins

Natural glow of oil finish hardwood floors

There’s just something about hardwood floors. The warmth, the timeless elegance and… the natural glow when oil finished. Are you weighing whether to oil finish or urethane finish your new hardwood floors? Let’s look at the differences.

3 mins

Luxury vinyl plank flooring cleaning & care tips

Above all, make sure to follow the maintenance instructions and cleaning and care tips for your specific brand of luxury vinyl plank flooring. However, our Westfield, Indiana team is always here to help! Here are a few universal cleaning tips for...

3 mins

What floor is right for you?

Benefits of hardwood floors

5 mins

Even the best hardwood floor cleaner is worthless without a well planned routine

When you’re looking to keep your hardwood floors clean it might seem reasonable to jump right into researching which products to use.  What is the best hardwood floor cleaner? Do I need to buy a special wood floor mop, or will any mop do the...